If information professionals are bound to play God, How do we do it right?

If  information professionals are bound to play God, How do we do it right? The way I see it, Information Science is like law, medicine or journalism-  It's not about the tools, but knowing what to do with them and being responsible towards the people we serve. As story tellers, rather than technicians, we can make, shape or break a civilization. As the bearers of the truth; we sell time and trust to those that cannot afford.But what is truth, but many a perceptions? Which one do I choose?

This is a place where I write about the field of information science, and the social, economic, and emotional aspects of higher education from the context of information science education.

A place where I collect uncomfortably honest stories and ask questions that are difficult to have a conversation around.

All I seek is for the truth and folklore to be shared.
Because , in my limited experiences, professionals , recruiters, students and innovators donot seem to really be aware of the people of this profession. When they do know, it will make hiring and education easier. Expectations and paths clearer. As a result better work will be done. Better by the measure of justice to the user.

And we need not use shortcuts, we needn't be fooled by the marketing

I must admit, I am biased in my opinions and writings- It is only one side of the kaleidoscopic view.  This blog contains posts in the following categories .Most of the posts are a work in progress and will undergo regular updates:

If you have some time, take a look at the list of things you can do here: Read about tips for ischool here  Checkout my product inforking here  read about data related projects here
You can:
Read about tips for ischool here
Checkout my product inforking here
read about data related projects here
read about Information Problems I encounter and  try to solve-
 My bank Dashboard and Dimitria)
Research interests and thoughts on information science, collection of case studies and articles.
I also document my experiences on campus for future MSIM students to make the most of their short Grad years on campus.
Job search  notes and curated information that may come handy for students exploring  the field.
Talks and meetups documentation
Interviews with professionals
